MTSS Practice Profile

MDE’s MTSS Practice Profile was developed to provide districts and ISD’s with guidance in how each of the five essential components could be implemented within districts. It also provides a summary of the research in support of each MTSS component. There are five essential components:

  1. Team-Based Leadership
  2. Tiered Delivery System (Tiers 1-3)
  3. Selection and Implementation of Instruction, Interventions, and Supports
  4. Comprehensive Screening and Assessment System
  5. Continuous Data-Based Decision Making

It is important to note MTSS is a framework. The framework is only as good as the evidence-based practices, programs, and assessments encompassed within the framework.

The MDE MTSS Practice Profile clearly defines standards or expectations for what MTSS looks like in practice and provides guidance for implementation of MTSS as indicated in Michigan’s state law. It describes specifically what actions educators and leaders take when using an MTSS framework as intended. The tool identifies the five essential components of MTSS as well as its underlying philosophy, expected outcomes, and research base. The practice profile was developed to specify the actions of a district implementation team in supporting effective and sustained use of the MTSS framework.